
Train Your Brain to Receive More Good!

Train Your Brain to Receive More Good!
By: May McCarthy

 Have you ever had a goal that was larger than any that you've had before, and you didn’t achieve it?  You're not alone - many of us have had that experience. Over the past couple of months, several hundred people have attended my workshops across the country to learn a simple daily routine to prime their brains for success. Many of the workshop attendees said that they have realized more of their goals with an increased sense of peace and joy in their lives. However, a few people in the workshops described some challenges regarding their larger goals. 
They said that although they have had some “small” demonstrations of good things happening, they hadn’t realized any of their big goals and were discouraged.  They said that they felt like giving up on those goals. They admitted that thoughts like “I’m not worthy” and “I don’t deserve that kind of Good” started to creep into their minds. They were filled with doubt and asked me what to do.

If you have a big goal, it’s important to recognize how your brain works to create beliefs and behaviors.  As you understand more about this, you'll be able to retrain your brain and achieve more of the goals that you desire. Following are a few tips to help you:

1. Your brain can prevent you from noticing ways to achieve goals.

When you have a goal that is larger than you’ve ever experienced, your rational mind will try to figure out possibilities to achieve it.  If it can’t rationally determine that achieving the goal is possible, then it will try to keep you from being disappointed and may prevent you from noticing intuitive messages and possibilities that show up to point you towards achieving your goal. Your brain remembers the times that you didn’t achieve your goals in the past and it will work to try to help you to avoid those same disappointments. Author and behavioral researcher, Helen Fisher, describes this perfectly; “Experiences shape the brain, but the brain shapes the way we view experiences, too.”  When you have a big goal, tell yourself repeatedly, “I’m grateful that I am loved and cared for, but I am serious about achieving this new level of Good in my life without delay and now do so.” Describe in detailed words the Good things that you want to experience as though you’ve already achieved them with gratitude. This will help you to create a new belief and a new experience.

2. A repetitive daily practice builds new beliefs.

Write out your goals daily with gratitude as though they’ve been achieved, read them out loud with emotion, and imagine seeing yourself in your mind’s eye in the completed goals. This simple daily practice helps you to build new beliefs. You’re telling your brain that you are serious about achieving these goals and that it doesn’t need to protect you. Science has demonstrated that a repetitive process creates new and more pronounced neurological pathways which contribute to our beliefs and behaviors. As you continue to use your daily practice, you will be creating new beliefs so that you can welcome even greater Good into your life. As you start to believe that the achieved goals could be your experience, more and more intuitive messages and subconscious directions will show up to point you down the path to attaining your goals. One of the all-time greatest boxers in the world, Muhammad Ali, puts it this way: “It's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” Continue with your daily practice even if you don't see results right away.  It is helping to create new beliefs so that you can achieve more of your goals.

3. Uncover and eliminate old habits and beliefs.

Many of us have picked up beliefs and habits from our families, communities, and previous experiences. Some of these beliefs are so strong that they prevent us from experiencing the Good things that we want in our lives. Perhaps you were told “No one in our family has gone to college, so don’t expect to.” Or, “Everyone knows that our family health history includes diabetes, so you are going to have it too.” You may have heard, “Everything in society will always work against you and you’ll have to struggle to survive just like the rest of us.” These kinds of beliefs can operate subconsciously and sabotage opportunities for achieving your Good.  These old beliefs are lies and you can eliminate them with the power of your words. For example, you might say, “I deny that my family history has anything to do with my future health.  I am so grateful that I am now physically fit, trim, toned and energetic in a whole and complete body that is perfectly healthy and filled with vitality.” Then watch for intuitive leads to take steps towards the health that you want to experience. If you want to achieve a new level of success, read about and be around people who you want to be like – make their kind of lifestyle familiar to you. Every time an old thought or belief arises, speak your word out loud to deny the lie and affirm what you want as though you already have it with gratitude. “I deny that success is reserved only for other people. I am so grateful that I now achieve the success that I desire and am satisfied, fulfilled, happy and prospered. Success that has happened for others now happens for me and more!” Then, watch for your intuitive messages that guide you along a path to realize your goals.

To achieve what you want in life, keep up with your daily practice and create new beliefs.  As you spend more time thinking and speaking about what you want to experience in life and less time thinking about what you don’t want, you'll begin to believe that you deserve the Good that you want and will experience your desired circumstances more often. Don’t buy in to the beliefs of others who try to convince you that achieving your goals is not possible. You are a powerful person and deserve a greater Good. 

You can learn more success principles in my book, The Path to Wealth; Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance.


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