

SPECIAL OFFER and a Humble Request – FREE preview of my new book, The Gratitude Formula at https://bizzultz.com/book  – if you like the FREE excerpt and would like to purchase the book, I would sincerely appreciate if you could you do so on March 13, 2018 from Amazon. If you email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and let me know that you purchased my book, I’ll email to you a free gift along with my thanks.



Have you ever been pulled over for speeding in your car and received a ticket? That feeling of seeing the police car lights flash in the rearview mirror would bring tears to my eyes and make my heart race.  Most every time that’s happened, I’d later reflect on the situation and ask myself why I didn’t “remember to remember” that speeding or breaking the law would be expensive and cost me more time and frustration than I wanted.


I believe that Spiritual Laws should be treated the same way.  When we remember to operate within them to realize a benefit, we live a great life.  When we don’t, it’s costly and painful.

Think about the last time that you directed your words, thoughts, and emotions towards something you didn’t want. Maybe you didn’t want your boss or coworker to treat you poorly. Perhaps you didn’t want your spouse or partner to be neglectful in taking out the garbage or fixing something that was broken.  Or, have you ever wished that your children didn’t find more enjoyment with their mobile devices than they do spending time with you? Did those situations seem to grow or get worse after you focused on them?


As we use our words, thoughts and emotions to continuously describe ANYTHING, the Laws of Attraction and Intention deliver more of what we focus our attention on into our lives.  As we focus on what we don’t want, the picture of what we’ve described is imprinted into our subconscious.  We then begin to notice more things that are related to that picture. The picture that we’ve created seems to manifest and multiply.


This is actually Good News! To have something better, all you have to do is shift the focus of your words, thoughts, and emotions, to describe what you do want. Using your words, describe with gratitude your boss and coworkers treating you well with respect, your spouse being attentive and helpful, and your children enjoying time spent with you. As you do this, you’ll begin to notice evidence of your desires manifesting.


Do the following every morning to activate Spiritual Laws to be helpful to you:


  1. Write down what you want as though it is already achieved with gratitude.

“I’m so grateful that I have a wonderful family. We share valuable and enjoyable time together and treat each other with loving respect. I’m delighted that we easily communicate our needs and are helpful to each other. I love my fabulous family and truly appreciate them.”


  1. Throughout the day, recite a number of the gratitude statements that you created that morning.

“I’m grateful that I have a terrific job where I use my skills and talents in meaningful ways. All of my coworkers and bosses appreciate the work that I do and the company values my contributions with compensation of a minimum or more than $________ per year. I appreciate all who I work with, our customers, suppliers and all related to our business. Together we grow, thrive, and prosper.I love my job!”


  1. Take action when intuitive messages show up to provide you with directions.

If you have a strong thought about someone, contact them. If you have an idea to go somewhere, go if it’s not too much trouble or expensive. If a message from someone or gut instinct provides you with directions that resonate with you, take action. If you choose not to follow these intuitive leads or directions, simply ask your source of intuition, your inner wisdom, for “another lead”. If you’re still supposed to do something, you will get another lead to take action.


Spiritual Laws are provable and repeatable every time.  They are reliable like electricity; if you use electricity through an outlet that is working property, you will get the power that you need for your lamps, appliances, and other devices.  If you don’t use it properly, you can harm yourself and get shocked. The same is true with Spiritual Laws. Whatever you focus on will manifest or multiply in your life. Whether you focus on what you want or what you don’t want, it will manifest. Choose to focus on the life that you desire and you will receive intuitive directions to take steps to achieve it. You deserve to enjoy your wonderful life and you now have the tools to do so.


 May you be blessed, prospered, happy, and healthy now and always. For more information about me and my work, please visit www.maymccarthy.com

More in this category: « THE GRATITUDE FORMULA

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