
Check in on Resolutions

It seems that every New Year, people are excited and optimistic about achieving their desires. I hear friends powerfully proclaim, “I want to lose ten pounds” or “I want to get out of debt.” Now that we are 1/3 of the way into 2018, how many resolutions have you achieved? When was the last time you visited your goals? Do you even know where you put your list of resolutions?


Please don’t despair – you’re not alone.  Many of us are excited about a new fresh start and then life’s normal challenges and demands take our attention.  We can forget to take time for ourselves each morning to revisit our goals and connect to our spiritual source. It can feel like life is choosing our course, rather than us.  Here’s some good news – it’s not too late to achieve those goals and resolutions that you had at the beginning of the year and to create the life that you love.


First, commit to using the right words when describing your goals. Our subconscious is designed to help us achieve whatever we put our attention on. To make the statement “I want to lose ten pounds” true, you always have to be wanting to lose. A better way to achieve what you want is to describe the outcome of your goal with gratitude: “I am so grateful that I have a physically fit, trim, toned, and energetic body that is pain-free and easily able to go on walks with my family and friends. We have so much fun together!” With a goal like this, your subconscious and your intuition are going to show up more often, and in more obvious ways, to point you toward steps that you can take to make those statements true.

We can choose to use our words, thoughts and emotions to achieve more of our goals at any time. To do this, follow the three simple steps below:


  1. Rewrite your goals daily with gratitude as though you’ve already achieved them.

Describe the outcome that you want to experience and be grateful in advance for the achievement. For example, “I am so grateful that I am living in a beautiful new home that allows my family and me to feel comfortable, safe, and happy,” or “I’m delighted to receive a minimum of $____ that easily affords all of my living, giving, and entertainment expenses. I use my talents and skills in fulfilling and satisfying ways.” Rewrite your goals daily to keep them at the forefront of your thoughts and enable your subconscious and intuition to help you notice more possibilities throughout the day to make your statements true.


  1. Read your goal statements out loud with emotion.

The practice of reading your goal attainment statements out loud anchors the meaning more fully within you. This tells your brain that you’re serious about your goals manifesting so you can begin to notice more opportunities to take steps toward achieving your goals. Muhammad Ali, one of the world’s greatest boxers, said, “It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” Speaking your goal statements out loud daily with emotion helps to convince you to believe that achieving your goals is possible. Once you believe, you can receive.


  1. Imagine yourself achieving your desired outcomes.

As you create a clear picture of your realized goals in your mind, you are creating new beliefs to make those goals manifest. Imagining the successful completion of a goal is a powerful method that many professional athletes, musicians, and businesspeople use daily as part of their preparation and training for success. Four-time Mr. Universe and seven-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger has not only used mental imaging for athletic success but also credits it for his success as a Hollywood actor: “When I was very young I visualized myself being and having what it was I wanted. Mentally I never had any doubts about it.” Well-known author Robert Collier puts it this way: “Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print and begin to build.” As you begin to see and feel yourself in your realized goals, you’ll welcome your achieved goals into your life sooner.


Set aside 20 minutes every morning to repeat the steps described above. Throughout the day, speak about your achieved goals in spite of negative circumstances. The key here is to spend more time focusing on what you want to achieve rather than on what you don’t want or what others tell you that you can’t do. You have the freedom to choose! As you focus more of your time on your achieved goals, you will manifest more of them into your life. Earl Nightingale, a respected author and motivational speaker, said, “Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.” Repetition changes your beliefs; and once that happens, you will achieve your goals sooner and the results will last longer. Your well-worded goals can help you to reap the rewards that you want!


May you be blessed, prospered, happy, and healthy now and always. For more information about me and my work, please visit www.maymccarthy.com

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