
Intuition as a key to success!

Ever ask yourself: “What would it take to be as successful as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Oprah Winfrey, or even Thomas Edison who created the light bulb?” Clearly, all of these people had passion about their fields of expertise, and that is important. But, they also relied on something that we all have – intuition.  The difference between them and many of us is the choice that they made to rely on their intuition and instinct, even when they didn’t have a clear understanding of the outcome.  You can do this too and experience greater levels of success, prosperity, and freedom!

 What do these successful people tell us about their experiences with intuition?
Bill Gates tells us, “Often, you have to rely on intuition.”
Steve Jobs agreed when he advised us to “Have courage to follow your heart and intuition.”
Oprah Winfrey directs us to, “Follow your instincts. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself.”
Wayne Dyer proclaims in his new book that we can reach enlightenment through intuition, “….where your intuition begins to take over” and you see things arriving to you ahead of time.
I agree.  There is something built in each one of us that is a guiding force.  Unfortunately, just as we can disregard a compass that gives us directions, we can disregard intuition in leading us along the path to all of the good things that we want.  That doesn’t mean that the compass doesn’t work, it just means that we made a choice not to follow it.
You can change that and make a commitment to follow your intuitive compass anytime that you’d like.  Why not start today? It’s easy and as you consistently follow your intuition, it will become easier to trust the directions even when they don’t make sense.
For example, I was on a business trip to Cleveland and I needed to go to a store to buy protein shakes and water for my hotel room.  I’ve been to Cleveland before and knew where the closest store was located.  My intuition gave me a powerful thought to go to a store that was about a 15 minute drive away.  That didn’t make sense, so I asked for another lead from the source of my intuition.  I got the same instructions, so I made the drive.  As I was walking into the store, a person who I had met at a tradeshow earlier in the year was walking out.  This person was a decision maker in a large hospital system which I had not been able to reach to schedule an appointment with after 4 months of trying. This person recognized me, smiled, and we struck up a pleasant conversation. Just before our conversation ended, this person asked me how long I would be in Cleveland.  I outlined my schedule and received an invitation to meet with this person later in the week.  After that first meeting, several more followed and we later entered into a successful contract together.
Intuition gave me a message that didn’t make sense; to drive across town.  But, as Steve Jobs advised, I had to have the courage to follow the direction it in spite of it not making sense.
I’ve had hundreds of others experiences using intuition to grow 6 successful companies over 32 years.  I hope you’ll come back for more examples of using intuition to succeed. You can also get more information about the simple 7 step process to cultivate a relationship with the source of your intuition so that you’ll feel confident in following the intuitive messages. See my website at www.bizzultz.com for workshop and speaking schedules, teleclasses, and my upcoming book.


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