
Resolutions Can Manifest!

SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER – Individual and Teaching Series are discounted through January 31, 2018 for you to share the gift of prosperity and freedom with your friends and family! Make 2018 your best year ever! See details at www.bizzultz.com/store.


As 2017 comes to a close, I want to let you know how much I appreciate you and the light that you are in the world. I’m grateful that you choose to share your talents and gifts in remarkable ways. I hope that the Holiday Season has been delightful for you, your family, and friends. And, I pray that you will experience a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2018.


In December each year, the topic of New Year Resolutions pops up in my community. Do you create resolutions and goals for each new year? Did you realize all of your intentions for last year? I hope so.


The custom of setting New Year’s resolutions began with the Babylonians some 4000 years ago and it was celebrated in March. Later, the Romans adopted the tradition and moved the celebration to January, honoring the god Janus. They made resolutions with a moral flavor: mostly to be good to others.


I think that resolutions that include being good to others is a great intention for me. How about for you?


As you develop your intentions for the New Year, commit to achieving them.  Revisit your goals on a daily basis and measure your success throughout the year, not just in December. The Path to Wealth daily practice is a great tool to help you to manifest your resolutions. Incorporate the following practice into your routine each morning for up to 30 minutes:


  1. Write down your completed goals with gratitude.

List what you have now that you’re grateful for AND what you desire as already complete. e.g. “I’m so grateful that I experience harmonious and peaceful relationships with my family, friends, neighbors and all in my community. We treat each other with respect and live together in peace and harmony.I’m grateful to be a happy and helpful person and feel fully supported in all of my relationships.”


  1. Read what you wrote out loud and take action.

As you read your gratitude statements out loud, you are programming your brain for success. This practice stimulates your intuition and subconscious to show up throughout the day to help you notice possibilities to take steps that are in line with the goals that you desire. e.g. You may find that you have a strong thought about someone.  When you turn that thought into action and call him/her, you may discover that you can provide some much-needed help which makes you feel good. And, they may learn from you that you need some assistance that they can provide and offer you help. As a result, you’ll feel fully supported. Have courage to take action as directed by your intuition even when it doesn’t make rational sense. You may realize your goals sooner than expected with less work required by you.


  1. Imagine experiencing your completed goal.

Sit quietly for 5 minutes and imagine what it’s like to be in the completed goal that you desire.  How do you feel? Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you with? Answer these questions with imagery in your mind’s eye.  As you make the completed goals more real to you and vibrate at that level of success, you will begin to notice more intuitive and subconscious directions that lead you to manifest your desires. Choose to use imagery for a different goal each day to keep your daily practice to no more than 25 to 30 minutes.


Throughout each day, watch for intuitive messages, thoughts, signs and information provided through others that give you some directions on steps you can take to achieve your goals. I did this in 2017 and am happy to report that my new book, The Gratitude Formula, is complete. It will be released in March 2018.


I believe that you are powerful! I know that as you use your words, thoughts, and emotions in a deliberate daily practice, you will realize more of your resolutions and goals in 2018. You are a brilliant and wonderful being who deserves all of the good things and experiences that you desire. I pray that 2018 will be your most satisfying, fulfilling, joyful, healthy and prosperous year yet! You can learn more success principles at www.maymccarthy.com.

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