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Turning Wishes into Goals!

Turning Wishes into Goals!
By: May McCarthy

One of my favorite sayings from an Unknown Author is: Write it down. Written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants; cant’s into cans; dreams into plans; and plans into reality. Don’t just think it – ink it!” I agree! I’ve noticed that a lot of people have trouble attaining their goals. Many people create wishes as vague descriptions of their goals. Turning a wish into an achieved goal requires that we get more specific and commit to a consistent  daily practice as part of the process. Follow these three simple steps to help you to achieve more of what you want in life: 1. Write your goals down daily and be specific in describing the outcome that you want.

As you spend time each day describing your goals as though they have already been realized, your subconscious is going to work with you to make those statements true.   To illustrate this, I’m sure that you’ve heard someone say “Everyone at the office (or at my kids’ school) has been sick with the flu.  I sure hope that I don’t get sick.” And, what happened? Right, they got sick. Life will reflect back to us what we “think into” it more times than not. 

So, it’s our responsibility to “think into” our life what we want to happen instead of what we don’t want to happen, and use language that describes the outcome that we plan to realize. Recently, I asked a woman in one of my workshops to describe her goal that she wrote down.  Her response was that she wanted to be “spiritually creative.”  Since I didn’t understand what she meant, I asked her to describe in detail what she would have been doing and experiencing that would allow her to say that she achieved her goal to be spiritually creative.  She said that she would have had her art displayed in a minimum of 15 locations and she would have sold her clothing, card designs, and art to earn at least $2,500 per month. And, she would receive emails and phone calls each week letting her know that her art inspired others to create art of their own. Now, I understand and so does her subconscious.  She has described a clear picture of the outcome that she wants to achieve. Her subconscious and intuition can begin to help her to notice opportunities to achieve her goals. 2. Expect and see yourself achieving your desired outcomes. Think about the last time you bought a car.  As you narrowed down the list to the one or two models that you wanted, what happened?  You started to see those cars on the road everywhere. You began to notice opportunities to achieve the outcome of your goal more easily. Some of the most successful business people and greatest athletes in the world use this as part of their training process daily: Professional golfer, Jack Nicklaus said, “I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp, in-focus picture of it in my head.” Nicklaus expected that his shots on the course would turn out the way he expected them to in his mind. He positively expected that he’d win the game.  As a result, he saw more possibilities to make that happen when he played the game. Create a clear picture of your realized goals in your mind so that you can then see more possibilities to make those statements true. A key here is to spend more time focusing on what you want to achieve rather than on negative circumstances or what others tell you that you can’t do. 3. Rely more on your intuition that will guide you towards achievement of your goals. Many famous and successful people have claimed that they rely on intuition as a success tool: Bill Gates said “Often, you have to rely on intuition.”  Steve Jobs agreed when he advised us to “Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” Oprah Winfrey shared that “I've trusted the still, small voice of intuition my entire life. And the only time I've made mistakes is when I didn't listen.”  By describing your completed goals in detail and seeing the outcome in your mind’s eye, your intuition and subconscious can then point you along paths to make those statements and images true.  Sometimes, the paths can seem miraculous and beyond your imagination. I have several stories that illustrate this in my book and in the workshops that I teach. For example, I knew of a man who I will call Steve. He wanted a new technology job and said that he was willing to move to another city to get it. Steve used his daily practice to describe in detail his realized goals of a new job with greater pay and satisfaction, terrific schools for his kids with lots of friends, and a beautiful home and environment that made his wife happy. Within a couple of weeks of using his daily practice to describe the achieved outcome, Steve received an email from an old friend inviting him to visit San Antonio. Steve decided he was too busy and didn’t go.  A couple of weeks later, he got an invitation to attend a technology conference in San Antonio sponsored by a leading technology company that he admired.  Steve really wanted to go, but had too many commitments and didn’t register.  Six weeks later, Steve’s family showed him an advertisement for a discounted vacation that included air, lodging, car rental, and tickets to Six Flags and Sea World in San Antonio at half the normal rate. He realized then that something was clearly telling him to get to San Antonio.  He booked the vacation for his family, contacted his friend, and called the technology company that he admired to see if he could learn more about upcoming events.  While in San Antonio, Steve met with his friend who introduced him to an executive in the same technology company that was the lead sponsor for the conference.  Within a few months, that technology company offered Steve a wonderful job with much higher pay in San Antonio. He now lives there happily with his family. Steve had to have courage to take the action steps to get to San Antonio once he was pointed to the path to achieve his goals. You can do this too! If you develop a daily practice that includes writing down your realized goals, expecting and seeing yourself having them, and following the advice from your intuition to take steps that might not make complete sense, you will always achieve what you want to receive or something better. For this practice to work, you have to be consistent.  I hope that you’ll follow these steps daily to realize more of your goals in a much more easy and fun way.  All the best to you for continued success in all of your endeavors.  May you be blessed on Your Path to all that is Good! You can learn more success principles in my book, The Path to Wealth; Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance. www.bizzultz.com/book