May McCarthy

May McCarthy

May co-founded & has grown six successful companies in fashion retail, telecommunications, healthcare IT with software & equipment for national &international hospital systems. As a speaker, she shares successful business development strategies that make work more profitable &fun!

The Gratitude Formula & The Path to Wealth Book

Best-selling author, serial entrepreneur, investor and philanthropist, May McCarthy, is delighted to share her transformative books here so that you can achieve more success and create the life that you love! Read more about The Gratitude Formula and The Path to Wealth.


Success Is a System… Not a Secret!

The Gratitude Formula.

Read this book to learn the 7-Step Practice for bringing
true abundance into your life—for good!



For many of us, success can feel unattainable, as though others were given a secret that the rest of us are missing.

But author May McCarthy says that success is asystem, not a secret!

In The Gratitude Formula, McCarthy offers a definable, practical system that you can put to use every day to achieve success in your relationships, career, finances, health, personal pursuits, spiritual growth, and virtually any other aspect of your life.

While her method is built upon starting each day with a grateful heart, the details of her 7-step practice are unlike anything you’ve ever seen before, and McCarthy teaches that implementing them on a daily basis is the key to creating a life that you love.

In The Gratitude Formula, you will learn how to:


McCarthy’s experience as a business strategist and successful entrepreneur has given her the tools to create success in her life and for her clients, and now she shares those tools in this book.

The instructions contained in The Gratitude Formula are simple and clear, and if you follow them daily, you can begin to receive abundance and create a life you love.

Buy This Book Now!


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Want to Preview the Book?


The Path to Wealth - Preview 3 Chapters for Free Today!

By signing up, you give May McCarthy, Bizzultz, and Insight Events USA permission to share new products, services and special offers via email.

The Path to Wealth

A Multimillionaire Entrepreneur Guides You Along
The Path to Wealth to Financial Abundance! 

In the book, The Path to Wealth; Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, May will show you how to make the All-Knowing Power of the universe your new business partner. In doing so, you will receive help from your new partner to achieve greater financial abundance and freedom. As with any partnership, you will spend time each day getting to know each other and build a high level of trust.  As May shares the seven steps in detail, you will learn how to create and cultivate your new partnership and achieve more of the good things that you want in life. As you attain more of your goals, you’ll recognize that you have done less of the work since your new partner is now doing its job in the partnership. Make the commitment to begin your partnership today.  Now is the time for you to achieve greater financial abundance, happiness, and freedom! Order The Path to Wealth and attend upcoming workshops and events to learn more.

Buy This Book Now!


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Individual Study Package & Teaching Series


In The Path to Wealth Learning Series you will discover how to use universal spiritual principles to achieve greater levels of wealth, health, happiness and freedom!   Successful serial entrepreneur, angel investor, and philanthropist, May McCarthy, has packaged her 5 ½ hour deeper study workshop into seven small parts so that you can follow the program at your own pace to achieve more of your goals, with less work. You’ll receive a workshop DVD, book, workbook and daily practice journal to assist you in your study. You will learn that success is not a secret, it’s a system! By implementing the simple tools outlined in this series, you can receive a higher and greater level of success than ever before. Learn more below:



Buy the Signed Book: The Path to Wealth + Daily Practice Journal:


Want to Preview the Book?

The Path to Wealth - Preview 3 Chapters for Free Today!

By signing up, you give May McCarthy, Bizzultz, and Insight Events USA permission to share new products, services and special offers via email.

Chief Spiritual Officer

Many years ago May decided to give her spiritual partner a title: the Chief Spiritual Officer. As a successful serial entrepreneur and business owner, May has hired people in the “C-Suite” like the Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Information Officer to do their jobs exceptionally well and to offer her valuable advice for her companies.  May chose the name Chief Spiritual Officer, or CSO, and placed it at the top of her company organizational chart to represent an entity whose advice she would value above all others.  As a result of witnessing miracles happen in her company, many employees created their own partnerships with their CSO and experienced success, joy, and ease in their jobs as well.
May has taught her simple 7 step process outlined in her book to hundreds of students across the country who have said that they have achieved more of their goals and financial abundance while having more fun in the process. You can too. Make the commitment to begin your new partnership and order your copy of The Path to Wealth today!


May McCarthy is a successful entrepreneur, investor, business strategist, speaker and author. For the past 32 years May has used sound business practices and spiritual principles to grow several successful multimillion-dollar companies as large as $100+ million in annual revenues. Now, she travels the country and teaches people how to use these same principles in order to help them achieve greater levels of financial abundance, success, and freedom!  To attend one of May’s classes, please see the upcoming workshops and events.







Ileana Vassiliou | President

“I hear May McCarthy’s CSO Workshop participants, weeks after the workshop, exclaim about their increase of success and joy on an ongoing basis as a result of the workshop tools. Not only are business owners talking about increased success, but everyone is talking about the increased sweetness of their personal relationship to a higher power. The workshop tools are imminently practical and so easy and fun to apply.  As a business leader and successful business owner I am confident I am doubling my business revenue.  I am directly attributing that revenue multiplier to May’s Workshop.” Ileana Vassiliou
President of Creating Effective Organizations, Inc.
and the Better Business Breakfast Leader - Center for Spiritual Living Reno

Rev. Liesa Garcia | Reno CSL

“May McCarthy's impactful workshop on partnering with your CSO (Chief Spiritual Officer) drew an eager, open and substantial audience at our Spiritual Center.  By the end of our time with May and her brilliantly compiled materials, all participants had a new experience of how to fulfill their hearts' desires and reach their financial goals.  And it's the gift that keeps on giving--I hear feedback almost daily from people who are integrating this work into their lives and reaping the benefits.  May is an excellent, engaging presenter and she knows of which she speaks.  I would not hesitate in inviting her back.”

Lost your 2014 list of goals? Make a new one!

Fall is in the air and the days are starting to get shorter. Gone are those long days of summer.  What else is missing? The list that you made in January which included hope filled desires with solid financial, health, and relationship goals. Often, we make goals and resolutions in January and by the 4th quarter, we can’t remember the last time we saw our list. Somewhere between January and now, life just got in the way, a crisis occurred, work required more of you, and you never got back to focusing on your list of goals. That’s not uncommon.

Your Words Have Power

Did you know that your words are more powerful that you might think?  Let’s do an experiment to see if this is true.  State out loud 3 times, “I don’t like arriving late for my appointments.”  Now, state out loud 3 times, “I’m delighted that I always arrive on time or early for my appointments.”  Even though the goal of each statement seems to be the same; to arrive on time for appointments, the first one will actually make you feel less energized and may actually make you late since that phrase, “arriving late for my appointments” is what your subconscious will hear and work to make true.

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We provide advice around business, sales and marketing planning, as well as the design of successful execution strategies.

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