Personal Consulting Series – $229/month for 1 Year
Work directly one on one with successful serial entrepreneur, author, speaker and angel investor, May McCarthy for one year to develop and achieve goals for your personal and professional life. Skype or phone meetings are schedule by you each 4 to 6 weeks and can take up to 70 minutes per session. During each meeting, 2 to 4 items will be identified for you to work on toward your goals and objectives. (This is a reasonable amount to work on each month.) At each subsequent meeting, you’ll report on your progress, and together we’ll identify 2 - 4 new items for you to work for the next month on as you travel the path to your achieved goals and objectives. At the completion of each goal, you’ll create new goals and will recognize how successful achievement of your goals will become easier for you to attain!
$229.00 per Month with a One Year Commitment