May McCarthy

May McCarthy

May co-founded & has grown six successful companies in fashion retail, telecommunications, healthcare IT with software & equipment for national &international hospital systems. As a speaker, she shares successful business development strategies that make work more profitable &fun!

Sue Peterson | Client Manager

“May, thank you for speaking earlier this month on the Power of Intentions. I was very pleased at how much the topic resonated with members of the Rainier Club and also caused them to bring friends and/or co-workers to start the year off with good intentions. I found it especially helpful to understand the difference between an intention and a goal and the value in being more specific. I look forward to attaining more of my goals in 2015 as a result.” Susan Peterson CFA | Client Manager
Cornerstone Advisors Inc.

Your Thoughts are Magnetic

Your Thoughts Are Magnetic Our thoughts act as magnets and attract to us what we’re putting our attention on.  Our repeated thoughts are the fuel that creates our reality. Henry David Thoreau explained it this way: “As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.” When you think a thought over and over, you’re creating a path for it to manifest in your life.  As I repeatedly thought of something I wanted, or something that I didn’t want, I received the subject of my thoughts. For example, I had a business with 250 employees when I was in college. 

Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur Tuesday, February 17, 2015, Presentation @ 6:00PM Location: Seattle University Lemieux Library, Room 122 Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to register for this event.

Receive all that you want while helping others to do the same!

I recently read a book by Whole Foods Founder and Co-CEO, John Mackey called “Conscious Capitalism: Liberating the Heroic Spirit of Business” which he wrote with Raj Sisodia, marketing professor at Bentley University.  The authors explain that “Conscious capitalism is an evolving paradigm for business that simultaneously creates multiple kinds of value and well-being for all stakeholders: financial, intellectual, physical, ecological, social, cultural, emotional, ethical and even spiritual.

Bobby Bakshi | Consultant

“Goal setting is an incredibly important part of my life. Thanks to May McCarthy’s workshop, Decide What You Want, Then Have It, I’ve become more intentional in my goal setting process using the tools that May shared to incorporate a daily practice that keeps me focused on my results. May's program inspired me to consistently follow the daily process of being intentional so that goal attainment becomes my natural state. I now receive more of the things that I want in both my professional and personal lives.”

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We provide advice around business, sales and marketing planning, as well as the design of successful execution strategies.

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